Hallo Ha..~!
okay, this entry is about my 10 secrets..
since i had been tagged by my beloved best girlfriend Ellyda Lee..
saja jak ko kan mau kc sa keja.. :)
secrets..kalo post d cne ertinya they're not my secrets anymore rite..
what a risk I take.. :)
okay, let's start guys with the 10 secrets of Vivi L L. Lasio..
the challenge is begin now..~!
1) I'm not a kind of person who like to talk bad di belakang..since I'm not satisfied with you and sa rasa sa perlu tegur..I'll talk in front ur face.. berani kerana benar..
2) Bila sa marah..sa akan jd org plg pendiam d dunia whether I'm a talkactive person..
3) Sa rabun malam..driving with me during nite adalah mengundang disaster okay..
4) Sa berhati kering..
5) Pernah menyesal dgn satu keputusan yg sa ambil but now not anymore..
6) Suka menari bila sendiri-sendiri..
7) Sayang and taking care gila dgn kawan walaupun we never met face to face..
8) I'm a food lover..
9) I'm in love with Taylor Swift's songs..
10) Last thing is, sa penangis..
okay..now I'm tagging this 3 persons to share your secrets..tapi bukan paksa..depends on you guys :)
Fatin Asilah
'Irfan Hazri
Fariz Ridzwan
vivi secret revealed.....
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